PACC Newsletters & Reports

One of PACC’s aims is to improve parent carers knowledge and understanding of SEND legislation and guidance, to inform their participation in decision making.  Our termly newsletter provides information on local and national activity, such as changes to services or policies.  It also shares information about events and opportunities for families to comes together to influence the system, support each other or just to have some fun!

PACC is committed to keeping Shropshire parent carers well informed about our work and the discussion that we are involved in.  Our reports summarise feedback from families and the progress made or needed in particular work areas.

PFA Navigator Year 2 First Report

PACC Annual Report 22-23

PACC Conference 2023 Report - An Inclusive Shropshire

PFA Navigator Year 1 Third Report

PFA Navigator Year 1 Second Report

Shropshire Early Help and SEND Report

PFA Navigator Year 1 First Report

PACC Annual Report 21 - 22

Summary of PACC Short Breaks Reports to Inform Service Recommissioning 2022

State of SEND Shropshire Update Report - Sept 2022

Shropshire Reinspection Survey Responses May 2022 - Data & Transcript 

Mad Sad Glad Report 2022

Coproduction in Shropshire 2022

Autism in Schools Report - Shropshire 2021

Annual Report 20 - 21

State of SEND Shropshire Report - 2020

Housing and Employment Report - Feb 2020

Actio Together Seminar - Feb 2020

Annual Report 19 - 20

Shropshire SEND Strategy Workshop Report 2019

Parent Carer Input to Visioning Day for SEND Strategy - April 2019

PACC Annual Report Presentation 2018

Chairs Report 17/18

Participation Report March 18 - Developing Neuro-developmental and LD Pathways in the Shropshire EHWS

Participation Report Nov 17 - Developing SEND Provision in Shropshire 

Annual Report 2017

Recommissioning of Assessed Short Breaks 2017 Participation Report

PACC Exploring the Reality Report 2016

AGM and Autumn Conference 2016 Participation Report

Annual Report 15/16

AGM & Open Meeting Report 

Mad, Sad, Glad 2016 Report 

Accessing Social Care for Disabled Children in Shropshire Report

PACC Annual Report 14-15

Building Shropshire IASS and the Local Offer Participation Report 2014

Information Event Report

PACC Annual Report 13-14

Shropshire Short Breaks Report 2013