Accessing School Based Support During Co-vid 19 Closures


It is recognised that the closure of nurseries, schools and colleges will have a particular impact on SEND families, with parent carers having to provide care 24/7 without a break and young people potentially experiencing distress because of a change in their routine and support.  To address this the Govt issued guidance that enables schools and colleges to provide on going support for SEND families during this period of school/college closure.  While SEND young people should stay at home, if they can without a negative impact on either themselves or their family, a place at school/college should be offered to SEND families if they feel they need that support.  Some parent carers will also be key workers and therefore there is an extra imperative that their children are able to continue to attend school, so that they can continue their key worker role.

Following national inconsistencies around how schools/colleges are offering support to key workers and SEND families PACC would like to hear about your experiences in Shropshire. We have developed a short survey which will provide information that will inform local and national guidance.  This survey is anonymous.  Thank you for your support, your voice matters.

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