NNPCF AGM & Annual Conference 2017 - A Parent Carers View


NNPCF AGM and Annual Conference 2017

‘The End of the Beginning’

Beyond Implementation: the road ahead for parent carer participation and the SEND Reforms

On the 27th and 28th November 2017 the National Network of Parent Carer Forums held their AGM and Annual Conference.  This was the biggest NNPCF event to date, with over 200 parent carers representing 109 Parent Carer Forums from throughout England attending.  Angela Price, one of PACC's new Board Members attended the event for the first time and shares her thoughts below.

"Yesterday I attended my first National Network of Parent Carer Forums AGM & Conference, after being elected to the PACC Board earlier on in November.

I attended with Sarah Thomas, PACC's Participation Co-ordinator and the event was held at the Etihad Stadium, in Manchester. Upon arrival, I sat there feeling a bit out of my depth & nervous in what is an absolutely huge venue.

The Conference started off with the AGM, they spoke about how the National Network of Parent Carer Forums had grown since it started in 2008, to now having a membership of over 82,000. They also spoke about what had been achieved during that time; the SEND reforms and The Children's & Families Act 2014 and they shared their vision for the future.

This was later followed by workshops in Preparing for Adulthood, SEN Support & Transport where we were able to discuss our concerns & set out our priorities for change.

It was very clear from meeting the other Parent Carer Forums how passionate & committed they are, how we all want the same to achieve a better future, with more positive outcomes for our young people. I left the conference feeling empowered & part of a much wider Membership who are all working towards a better future & all share the same Vision & Mission as we work together to serve the members we represent."

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