0-25 Shropshire SEND Strategic Board Meeting
On Wednesday the 13th June the 0-25 SEND Strategic Board hosted by Shropshire Council met at Shirehall. This Board meets quarterly and is responsible for overseeing the implementation of the Shropshire SEND Strategy, developed in response to the SEND reforms and the Children and Families Act 2014.
The Board is chaired by Karen Bradshaw who is the Director of Children's Services and is attended by representatives from education, health, social care and the voluntary sector. There is also representation from the Job Centre, local schools and other services as required. Sarah Thomas represents PACC at these meetings.
At this meeting the three main work areas report back to the Board, updating Board members on;
- Joint Commissioning and Service Delivery
- Communication and Participation
- Quality, Monitoring and Finance
PACC co-chairs the Communication and Participation Workstream and you can find out more about this on http://www.paccshropshire.org.uk/resources/shropshire-policies-and-strategies
The Strategic Board also receives report from individual pieces of work and at the most recent meeting there was an update on the Local Offer Review that has just started, the Transition Protocol and Supported Internships.
For further information see;
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