Participation in Shropshire

PACC works with statutory and voluntary organisations who are both commissioners and providers of services.

The key statutory organisations that we aim to engage with are Shropshire Council and the Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group.

Shropshire Council are our main contact for discussions about education and social care related issues for both children and young adults.  The Shropshire Clinical Commissioning Group plan and fund health services in Shropshire and is PACC’s main contact for influencing the design of health services for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities.

The Children and Families Act and the Care Act 2014 encourage statutory organisations to work together and to ‘jointly commission’ services.  This means we are attending an increasing number of meetings where there are representatives from both Shropshire Council and Shropshire CCG.  One of our key strategic meetings is the Shropshire SEND 0-25 Strategic Board.  This Board meets every other month and includes representation from education, health and social care services in Shropshire, as well as input from the voluntary sector.  There are a number of sub groups that consider specific issues and feedback into the SEND 0-25 Strategic Board.  The Board itself, reports to the Shropshire Children’s Trust and the Shropshire Health & Wellbeing Board.

Please note that this structure is currently under review following the Shropshire SEND Inspection in January 2020.  To find out more about the Shropshire SEND Inspection visit here

Participation routes in health are less well developed and PACC is working to create more regular opportunities to influence the strategic decision making of Shropshire CCG, with regard to services for children and young people with disabilities or additional needs.

To see our most recent chairs report click here.

PACC’s plan on a page that outlines our strategy is available if you click here.

Shropshire is developing a SEND Strategy to ensure progress on meeting the duties laid out in the Children and families Act 2014.  PACC Co Chairs the Communication and Participation workstream and provides parent carer representation on the other workstreams.  An overview of the workstreams is available if you click here.