Additional Funding to support SEND Provision Announced
The Department For Education has announced new funding totalling £750million to create an additional 10,000 new school places for children with SEND. The funding will be used to deliver adaptations, expand specialist units in mainstream, as well as create new places in special schools.
Guidance has been issued today for Local Authorities on how this additional funding can be used. Suggested types of works are;
- The creation of SEN units and resource provision: These are specialist provisions within mainstream schools to support inclusion.
- Mainstream adaptions and improvements: Accessible toilets, improved acoustic and lighting and creating spaces for re-regulation for example.
- Assistive Technology: Such as scanning pens or dictation software.
- Special school expansions: includes Post 16 specialist provision
The Guidance also states that “in line with their statutory responsibilities, we expect local authorities to consult in an appropriate and proportionate manner with local parents, carers, young people, and providers when developing their local capital strategy”.
The funding has been welcomed by the National Network of Parent Carer Forums, who encouraged Local Authorities to “work closely with their local Parent Carer Forums to ensure the lived experience and voices of parent carers are at the heart of local delivery.”
The full DfE press release can be read here
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