Draft Shropshire SEND Strategy - What do you think?


 Shropshire Council is currently requesting feedback on the new draft Shropshire SEND Strategy.  The strategy was produced following a consultation event with children and young people in May 2019 (the report produced by PACC on this event is available here) and a follow up consultation via PACC with parent carers.  Feedback from both children and young people identified similar priorities for what they saw as a ‘dream’ life, this included young people with SEND being able to; have a home of their own, to work or be involved in meaningful occupation, spend time with friends doing things they enjoy doing and be involved in decision making about their own lives.  These are all things which most young people take for granted and are more like expectations rather than aspirations. All this is reflected in the draft Shropshire SEND Strategy.

The draft Strategy importantly recognises that for young people to achieve these outcomes it requires services to work together and therefore the Strategy is a multi-agency document and its effectiveness will be overseen by the SEND 0-25 Strategic Board.  The Strategy also commits to the listening and working with children and young people with SEND and their families to implement and monitor the work resulting from the Strategy.  There will be four work groups that feed into the work relating to the strategy and these are;

  • Joint commissioning
  • Measuring the impact of our work
  • Transition and preparing for adulthood
  • Inclusion and reducing school exclusions

PACC will provide representation on all of these work groups and if you are interested in being involved in this work please contact us at enquiries@paccshropshire.org.uk

We would also like to hear what you think of the Strategy (view here) and have produced a brief survey where you can share your views.  This Strategy will inform the development of service that support children and young people with SEND in Shropshire for the coming few years and it is important that it says the right things, so please take a few minutes to read this document and provide your feedback.  https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/9GDWNYQ

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