Emotional Health and Well-being Workshops for Learning Disabilities & Neurological Conditions
Do you want to have your say about how a child or young person with a learning disability or with Neurological Conditions, such as Autism or ADHD, receive Mental Health support in the future?
Then come along to one of our workshops
The aim of the workshops
To develop the best possible emotional health and wellbeing services to support and enable children and young people with disabilities and/or additional needs and their families or carers to live their life to the full.
There will be separate workshops for Telford and Shropshire to ensure that the specific issues and ways of working for each area are considered.
The workshops are open to parent carers and practitioners from any service which supports children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. They will provide an opportunity to hear about the work done to date, the challenges to be overcome and to jointly develop an effective and joined up pathways.
Shropshire Dates
Monday 22 January 2018
9.30am for registration and refreshments
10am start – 2.30pm finish - Lunch will be provided
Workshop to discuss the Emotional Health and Wellbeing Service Autism Spectrum Conditions, ADHD and other neurodevelopmental conditions Pathway, including referrals, diagnosis and post-diagnosis support. Book using the link below.
Monday 12th February 2018
9.30am for registration and refreshments
10am start – 2.30pm finish – Lunch will be provided
Workshop to discuss the Learning Disability Pathway – young people using this pathway will have a learning disability as their primary need, but may also have other associated conditions such as ASC, ADHD and medical needs. They may be referred to the service due to behaviour that challenges or other mental health issues. Book using the link below
Both workshops will be held at The Central Baptist Church, 4 Claremont St, Shrewsbury SY1 1QG. There is long term parking available at the Ravens Meadows car park, which is a five minutes’ walk from the venue. Alternatively, the Shrewsbury Park and ride Service runs regularly to the Town Centre.
This is a partnership between;
- PODS Parent/Carer Forum (for families with Disabled Children)
- Shropshire Parent and Carer Council (PACC)
- Telford and Wrekin CCG
- Shropshire CCG