Follow up SEND Inspection Expected For Shropshire
Following the Local Area SEND Inspection carried out in January 2020 and the resulting Written Statement of Action, Shropshire is now due to be re-inspected by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission, to assess progress made in key areas. You can find information about the SEND Inspection and Shropshire’s Written Statement of Action on the PACC website
The re inspection is expected to take place from April 2022 and as previously hearing from parent carers about their experience of SEND in Shropshire will be at the heart of the process. In particular it will be useful to hear from families about:
• The effectiveness and quality of EHCP’s in Shropshire
• The experience of autism/ADHD support and assessment in Shropshire
• The experience of speech and language support and assessment in Shropshire
• School based support for SEND pupils and the approach towards supporting inclusion
• How young effectively young people with SEND are supported and prepared for adulthood
PACC are collecting feedback through a short survey, which can be completed here
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