New Shropshire Carers Service is not for All Carers
Shropshire Council has issued an invitation to tender to provide Carers Support Services for adults caring for other adults. This means that the services provided will not be available to parent carers supporting those under the age of 18. PACC are very disappointed that this tender only covers the provision of services for some parent carers in Shropshire, despite the fact that Shropshire Council have an All Age Carers Strategy.
PACC has raised our concerns about the lack of support for carers who support those under the age of 18. We know that the impact of caring doesn’t just start when the individual with care needs turn 18 and those caring for children and young people under the age of 18 need the type of support that will be offered by this service. This service will not provide short breaks but will offer a range of information, advice and guidance to carers as well as providing opportunities for carers to come together and receive support. We are also concerned that the new service will not have sufficient focus on supporting carers when the young person they are supporting is transitioning to adulthood, as required by the Care Act.
PACC will continue to share these concerns with Shropshire Council and to advocate for support for all parent carers. If you have any comments on the above or feedback on what good support for parent carers caring for children and young people aged 0-18 would look like, please do let PACC know.
More details on the Tender are available on the link below;
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