PACC Conference 2023 – ‘Inclusion in Shropshire’
Friday 23rd June 2023
Registration 9.30am for a 10am start
Close at 2pm
Lunch and refreshments provided
Shrewsbury Town Football Club, Montgomery Waters Meadow
This conference will focus on sharing and informing the work being done in Shropshire to create an inclusive approach in Shropshire early years, schools and colleges and to improve outcomes for children and young people with SEND and their families. The keynote speaker will be Karen Levell, Service Manager SEND and Inclusion at Shropshire Council, who will provide an overview of the Shropshire SEND Vision and work of the SEN Team.
The main focus of the day will be hearing from parent carers about what needs to happen in schools and other education setting to improve the experience of SEND pupils, what should education settings be providing as standard and what does good look like? This feedback will be shared with schools at a practitioners’ conference being held on the 30th June 2023 and will inform the development of a SEND Outcomes Framework, which will help us to measure the progress made in improving support for SEND families in Shropshire.
PACC understands that attending conferences in Shrewsbury is a challenge for many SEND families because of restricted travel options. With this in mind we are offering to provide transport from key pick up points throughout Shropshire depending on interest.
To book your place and to tell us about your transport needs please complete the form on the following link
‘Influence and Change’ – improving the lives of SEND families in Shropshire.
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