Review of Continence Service - Your views needed
PACC has been invited to attend a meeting to review local contience service, including the assessment of need, the contenence products available and the support and advice provided. We would like to hear the views of parent carers who use this service, what is working well and what needs improving. You can email your comments to or message via the PACC Facebook page.
The information below was provided as part of the invite.
"Enabling children and young people to achieve continence is crucially important. It is estimated that approximately 750,000 children and young people across the UK experience continence problems on a day to day basis. There are many different strategies recommended to help parents and children and young people cope, while enabling them to participate in educational and leisure activities relevant to their age and abilities. Ensuring that they have access to a comprehensive assessment, the right products, advice and guidance is crucially important. (Guidance for the provision of continence containment products to children and young people, A consensus document, 2016 Reviwed and revised 2019) |
The initial one off event will map what is currently happening in Shropshire and what the local offer is from community, primary care and secondary care. The aim of the event is to develop a clear comprehensive multi agency graduated pathway that can then be shared across the strategic partnership." |
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