SEND Inspection Action Plan Engagement Groups
We have created some new pages on the PACC website so that we can share information about the work that is happening as a result of the Shropshire SEND Inspection. PACC wants to make sure that you have a voice in what happens and is creating a number of engagement groups so that parent carers can get involved in this work. These groups will discuss;
- Strategic and action planning for SEND Services in Shropshire
- Developing Therapy Services to support CYP with SEND
- Developing a Neurodevelopmental Pathway for Shropshire
- Improving the quality of EHCPs
- Improving Inclusion in Shropshire
- Preparation For Adulthood
See the PACC website for more information
Meetings will initially be online but hopefully we can all meet in person at some point to share our thoughts and ideas. Our first introductory online discussion will be on the 9th September at 10am, after this we will host discussions about each topic listed above.
If you are interested in talking about these subject and working with us to improve the SEND System in Shropshire please email or message PACC.
We look forward to hearing from you.