SEND Inspection Parent Carer Meeting
Shropshire SEND Inspection Monday 27th January - Friday 31st January 2020
During the SEND Inspection PACC have secured an opportunity for Parent Carers to meet with Inspectors and share your experiences of SEND in Shropshire Local Authority Area. This is not a place where individual issues will be dealt with or responded to. However, your personal experience will help inspectors get an idea of what systemic changes could be made and how successful the processes in Shropshire are.
The meeting will take place on Tuesday 28th January 12pm -1pm in the Shropshire Unision Club, Shrewsbury, SY2 6ND (behind Shirehall in the Cricket Club). So that we can ensure we can cater for everyone please reserve your place by emailing
PACC representatives will be available to talk to after the session has closed for families who have more they want to share.
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