Shropshire SEND Inspection Monday 27th January - Friday 31st January
Further Information about the Shropshire SEND Inspection.
We have received a further letter from Shropshire Council together with more information about the Shropshire SEND Inspection. The key information is share below and the full letter can be accessed here
Inspection of Shropshire local area’s effectiveness in identifying and meeting the needs of, and improving outcomes for, children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) from Monday 27 January 2020 – Friday 31 January 2020.
Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission (CQC) will carry out jointly an inspection of your local area. Under the Children and Families Act 2014, the government placed new duties on the local health, social and education services that provide for children and young people with SEND. The inspection will evaluate how effectively the local area:
? identifies the needs of children and young people with SEND
? meets the needs of these children and young people so that their outcomes and chances of participating fully in society improve.
How can local children, young people, parents and carers contribute their views during this local area inspection?
There are several ways in which children, young people, parents and carers from your provision can engage with the inspection process and contribute their views:
1.The inspection will include an online recorded webinar to allow Shropshire’s parents and carers of children with SEND to contribute. The webinar will take place from noon on Monday 20 January 2020 until 11:59pm on Tuesday 28 January 2020.
Parents and carers who would like to take part in this webinar can follow this internet link to register:
2. Parents and carers can contact their local Parent Carer Forum to request details of how they can attend the discussions held between parents and carers and the Ofsted/CQC inspection team. The local authority must also provide the details of this meeting.
3. Parents and carers can email their contributions to
PACC is currently organising an opportunity for parent carers to meet with inspectors to provide individual feedback, which we will share further details of as soon as details are confirmed.
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