The State of SEND – Shropshire Report 2020


The State of SEND – Shropshire Report 2020

The Shropshire Parent and Carer Council (PACC) has aimed to ensure that the experiences and knowledge of local parent carers have shaped the development of the local SEND system, since the introduction of the Children’s and Families 2014.  It has been a period of significant change and a lot of hard work by many, progress has been made in some areas, but there are still many challenges facing Shropshire SEND families. 

As the Children and Families Act reaches its 5 year anniversary and following the announcement of the SEND Review by the Government, PACC has been reflecting on the implementation and impact of the SEND Reforms in Shropshire.  This also coincides with the Shropshire SEND inspection happening (27th January – 31st January 2020), a joint inspection by Ofsted and the Care Quality Commission, to consider the effectiveness of identification, assessment and support for children and young people with SEND in Shropshire.

To inform this inspection process and to support PACC’s work going forward we have produced a report reflecting the feedback gathered from parent carers over the last 12 months, via surveys and individual conversations.  The State of SEND – Shropshire 2020 highlights areas of progress and areas where challenges still very much exist.  We hope Shropshire parent carers feel that it reflects their experiences but if there are things not captured please do contact us.  The report has been shared with the Inspection team carrying out the Shropshire SEND inspection.

The full report can be read here

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