Understanding Families Experience of Supported Living in Shropshire
Since 2021 PACC has increased its focus on understanding the experience of the Preparation For Adulthood cohort of young people and their families. This has included working with Adult Social Care in Shropshire to increase families’ understanding of Supported Living and improving the experience of Supported Living (see http://www.paccshropshire.org.uk/pacc-rsquo-s-work-with-adult-social-care ). During this time PACC has become increasingly aware that there is a significant lack of consistency in families experience of the Supported Living process and the quality of support provided by Supported Living providers.
What is supported living?
The following explanation of Supported Living is taken from the Social Care Institute for Excellence website Supported living as a model for housing with care and support - SCIE
‘Supported living refers to schemes that provide personal care to people as part of the support that they need to live in their own homes. The personal care is provided under a separate contractual arrangement to those for the person’s housing. The accommodation is often shared, usually as a small group, but can be single household.
Supported living enables adults with support needs to live in their own home with the help they need to be independent. It allows them to choose:
- where they want to live
- who with
- how they want to be supported
- what happens in their own home.
Supported living is typically defined as housing where support and/or care services are provided to help people to live as independently as possible. Supported living provides people with individual tenancies. This means that they have a home of their own and will benefit from a greater level of autonomy as far as their environment is concerned.
People may live in an individual flat or have a room in a house with two or three other adults with similar support needs. Personalised care and support are designed and provided according to the needs of the individual, with a focus on maintaining, or if appropriate, increasing independence. Visiting support workers will work with individuals to help them live the way they want to and access services and social activities as required. While meals are not provided, support workers can assist with shopping and cooking as needed.’
PACC is currently looking to engage with families of young people how have experienced or who are in the process of moving into Supported Living and to understand what has work or not worked well. Conversations will be held to explore individuals experience in the context of;
The national vision for Adult Social Care which states three objectives:
- People have choice, control and support to live independent lives.
- People can access outstanding quality and tailored care and support.
- People find adult social care fair and accessible, and
The Shropshire Plan 2022-25 and Adult Social Care Practice Framework:
“The individual is at the centre of everything we do, and our priority is to enable wellbeing so that people can live their best life.”
Three initial surveys have been created by PACC to capture the full range of experiences around the Supported Living offer in Shropshire. These are;
Experience of Supported Living- Planning for the future/ considering supported living
Experience of Supported Living- Currently in Supported Living
Experience of Supported Living- Failed Placement
If any of these relate to your current situation please complete the appropriate survey and help to shape and develop the Supported Living offer in Shropshire.
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