Understanding the Impact of Co-vid 19 on Shropshire Short Break Provision


PACC  are keen to understand the impact of Co-vid 19 on Short Break provision in Shropshire and the families that use them.

There are two levels of Short Break provision in Shropshire, assessed and non-assessed.  Assessed services include overnight short breaks and the provision of one to one support packages, often delivered via direct payments. They can only be accessed via a social care assessment. Non-assessed Short Break activities are open to a wider range of young people with SEND and are accessed in Shropshire by completing an All In membership form. The All In membership criteria requires that a young person has difficulty in accessing mainstream activities due to the impact of disability.

We know that both types of Short Break Services are really valued by the SEND community and we want to understand how Co-vid 19 has impacted this important service and how this has affected your family.  We are also asking Short Break providers to complete a similar survey, so will can gather feedback from their perspective.  All feedback will be used to inform service development and to improve support for SEND families.

Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey, which will be open on the following link until 5pm on the 14th August 2020


Thank you for your support


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